Category Archives: Walt Disney World

The Few Words that he said, Spoke Volumes

Walt Disney, the international icon, the philanthropist who had taken the world of entertainment by storm in the 20th century has not just given the world the best entertainment, but also literature as some of the lines that has been said by him, have become the most quoted and some of the most meaningful lines in the world.

Simple, subtle but yet very hard hitting, Walt Disney has spoken the language of the common. While some of his quotes are revolutionary, other just put volumes and volumes in just one simple line. Reflecting the truth, hard hitting realities of life, the beauty of nature, life lesson and so on, Disney quotes are some of the most inspirational ones.

Walt Disney has seen the changing eras of the world, the pre-world war, the war times and the post-war periods. He has seen drastic changes in the world dynamics, which blended along with the innovator that he is has led him to find newer and inner meanings to things that he has skilfully worded and left it for the world to think about. Many even say that every sentence that Walt Disney uttered could be used as a quote, as he was a man of such conviction and righteousness.


Walt Disney quotes are timeless and can be used for decades to come, some of the most popular quoted include- “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”; “Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it they will want to come back and see you do it again and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.” Quotes like these always drive and motivate people to work better towards the goals that they want to achieve, and is also a source of hope to many.

Walt Disney is regarded as an international icon, for bringing to life next to impossible characters like the Mickey Mouse, Snow White and many others that have been phenomenal and sensational when launched and are watched and read about with the same interest even today. As he moved to bigger heights and places, he has always been grounded, which in his words is “I only hope we don’t lose sight of one thing- that it was all started by a mouse.”—this quote is not just applicable to him and his company referring to Mickey Mouse, but to everybody else who are successful, that one should never forget where he came from and to stay rooted and humble is the only way to attain success and growth.

The Walt Disney quotes are a reflection of the truth of the world that will hold good for decades to come and will continue to inspire, motivate, dive, teach and lay a ground for many success that will follow.